Darwinboxis Asia's fastest-growing HR technology platform, designing the future of work by building theworld'sbestHRtech,drivenbyafiercefocusonemployeeexperienceandcustomersuccess,and continuous, iterative innovation. we are the preferred choice of 900+ global enterprises to manage their 2.5 million+ employees across 100+ countries.
Darwinbox's new-age HCM suite competes with local as well as global players in the enterprise technology space (such as SAP, Oracle, and Workday). The firm has acquired notable customers rangingfromlargeconglomeratestounicornstart-ups:Vedanta,Mahindra,Glenmark,Yes Bank, Tata, Delhivery, DLF, Crisil, CRED, JG Summit Group, Starbucks, Nivea, Makemytrip, etc.
The vision of Darwinbox is to build a world-class product company from Asia and is backed by marqueeglobalinvestorslikeSalesforce, TCV, SequoiaCapital,LightspeedVenturePartnersand Microsoft.
Serve as the connective tissue between Sales, Marketing, Product Management, Engineering, CustomerSuccess,Finance,BusinessAnalysis,andotherinternalgroups,workingtoshareknowledge and drive people towards a common goal.
Assistingthefounders&leadershipgroupindevelopingandimplementingtheorganization'sstrategic goals and initiatives. This involves analyzing market trends, competitive landscapes, and internal capabilities to ensure the company is on track to achieve its org wide OKRs.
Lead a team of 2-4 revenue operations specialists, while
1) Owning and delivering key strategic projects end-to-end
2) Managing stakeholders across teams and levels (including founders) to ensure delivery and success of the projects
3) Being innovative to solve for problem statements more efficiently as well as picking up the next best action which positively impacts the organization and its ability to deliver and achieve more
4) Mentoring reportees and other junior team members who can take on the baton of driving success for revenue operations and Darwinbox
Theday-to-dayprojects (to be driven yourself or through team) canbedividedinto belowworkstreams:
o Conceptualize,build,andmaintainexecutive-levelreporting,includingweekly,monthly, quarterly board reviews to drive improvements and align leadership.
o Developandutilizeframeworkstohelpstructurethe team’sthinking,drivevisibility,and facilitate alignment. Build a solid understanding of business to evaluate new market, monetization, and optimization opportunities.
o Youwillbeworkingdirectlywithmultiple stakeholdersandmanagementtodiagnoseissues, resolve them and improve processes to minimize complexities and optimize performance.
o LeadingtheinitiativesforbringinginnewandimprovedTechnologiesandtoolstobringin process efficiencies across business functions
o Leadexecutionagainstrecommendationsquicklyandwithflawlessaccuracy. Takecomplete ownership of projects/programs from ideation to delivery - business case, scope, cost, schedule, action cycles, risks, issues, decisions, interdependencies, and milestones.
o Undertakestrategicandrevenueimpactingprojectsaimedatunderstandingandimproving margins for the business.
o ActasaconsultantandproviderecommendationsonSales/Marketingrelated processes
o Youwillbeworkingonthegrowth/revenuemetricsanddrivingtheinitiatives,both independently and along with the team
o Youwillberesponsibleformanagingoperationstoensureefficiencyandeffectivenessofthe company’s sales / Marketing function by building various metrics and drawing actionable insights for the leadership
- Post-GraduationDegreePreferred/MBAorEquivalentPGDM
- B.Tech/BBM/BMS/BComorequivalent degree
- Stronganalyticalandproblem-solvingskills,withtheabilityto multitask
- Excellentcollaborationskills,withtheabilitytoworkeffectivelywithcross-functional teams and ability to mentor and lead high performing team
- Proficiencyinspreadsheettools(MSExcel,Google Sheets)
- Knowledgeofstatisticalconceptsandbusinessprinciples
- Knowledge&understandingaboutCRM