This a unique opportunity for a finance professional to contribute to the effective management of an integrity agency. You will be a key advisor to the Ombudsman and senior leaders of the Office. The CFO also works closely with key stakeholders including the Ombudsman’s Audit Committee, Queensland Treasury and audit services (internal and external). As an advisor to the Executive Leadership Team and member of the Senior Management Team, the CFO has wide-ranging responsibilities enabling the effective and professional operation of the Office.
As Leader Of Financial, Procurement And Facilities Management Functions And Trusted Source Of Professional Advice For The Ombudsman, Specific Areas Of Responsibility For The CFO Include
Financial - Undertaking obligations prescribed in the Financial Accountability Act 2009 , Section 77(b) for the CFO including:
- providing independent reviews, forecasts, and analysis of financial performance
- leading preparation of the annual budget, in consultation with senior management and providing ongoing internal and external financial reporting
- preparing financial material including annual financial statements to facilitate discharge of the office's statutory reporting obligations, including managing relationship with internal auditors and Queensland Audit Office
- management of financial aspects of the Office's annual service delivery statement preparation including budget submissions, financial and budgetary information, including cash management, capital funding and ad-hoc requests from Queensland Treasury
- ensuring compliance with the Fringe Benefits Tax, and Goods and Services Tax Legislation including ensuring preparation of associated statutory returns.
- Provide authoritative professional advice and solutions to Ombudsman and senior leadership on strategic and operational financial management, governance and compliance matters including risks and implications associated with operations.
- Lead and deliver financial services, systems, policies, and reporting to enable the Office's professional operation and achievement of the strategic objectives.
- Reviewing and reporting on the integrity of the Office's financial information system and internal controls.
- Updating and managing the strategic asset management plan and a 5-year cashflow.
- Ensuring compliance with the Office policy and statutory requirements related to procurement and contract management.
- Updating and implementation of annual procurement plans.
- Leading and providing guidance in procurement of goods and services.
- Strategic and operational management of building and equipment leases, ensuring the efficient and safe operation of the work environment.
- Planning and managing accommodation and facilities requirements, including business continuity planning.
- The CFO leads collaboratively across the Office to achieve organisational outcomes, with responsibilities including:
- Representing the Office, internally and externally, including in relation to:
- financial matters
- negotiating and managing lease arrangements
- managing relationships with internal auditors, Queensland Audit Office, and other key stakeholders.
- Motivate, develop, and manage a highly performing finance team as a trusted enabling function of the Office.
- Lead a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement to enhance the Office's financial management and governance functions.
You Will Be Expected To
- Model exemplary standards of personal integrity and ethics and demonstrate the Office's values in all interactions internal and external to the Office.
- work collaboratively with other team members, participate in meetings and training programs, and actively monitor, review and assist with improvements to policy, procedure, process and administrative practice across the Office and stakeholder agencies
- provide support and guidance for a culturally inclusive and safe workplace, ensuring cultural identity and perspectives are valued
- adhere to the Office Code of Conduct and values; workplace health and safety legislation; confidentiality policies; all other relevant policies, directives and legislation
- meet personal performance expectations and standards
- undertake other duties as directed by relevant senior officers.
Mandatory Qualifications
You must hold at least one of the following:
- a certified practising accountant certificate conferred by CPA Australia; or
- a chartered accountant certificate conferred by the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia; or
- membership of the Institute of Public Accountants and be entitled to use the letters ‘MIPA' or ‘FIPA'.
Technical capability
- Experience in and comprehensive knowledge of financial management functions in highly regulated contexts
- Relevant experience in and understanding of government (or other relevant complex) procurement and governance operations
Occupational group Accounting and Finance